The answer is yes! Fish can be given to dogs with complete peace of mind if it's the right type and prepared properly, and it's very beneficial for them.
But speaking of varieties, what kind of fish can a dog eat, and what's the best way to cook it?
Is fish good for dogs?
Absolutely yes. Fish has many beneficial properties for our animal friends, just as it does for us.
It contains many fatty acids, which are hard to naturally incorporate into their diet through other products.
Unfortunately, these fatty acids are present in dog kibble in very limited quantities, but they are extremely important for keeping them in shape.
What are the benefits of fatty acids?
Fatty acids (Omega 3, Omega 6) play very important roles in the health of our four-legged friends.
They have many important functions, and besides being an excellent source of protein, they have numerous beneficial effects:
Promote the proper functioning of the nervous system
Improve vision
Increase the energy and vitality of the dog
Keep skin and fur healthy
Reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disorders
Protect against chronic renal failure and other kidney problems
Limit the appearance of arthritis and other joint disorders
Improve cognitive and neurological function
Boost the immune defenses
Omega 3s also have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and prevent the onset of cancer in dogs.
What kind of fish can a dog eat?
There are certain varieties of fish that are more suitable for animal consumption, while others should be given in moderation.
White Fish
The most suitable fish for dogs is white fish. The most common types are:
Sea Bream
Sea Bass
White fish is the most digestible, and generally has a fairly delicate flavor that dogs really like. It's not difficult to cook, as it's purchased already cleaned and ready to use.
It contains on average only 2% fat, making it lighter and easier to digest.
Blue Fish
Blue fish is packed with beneficial properties, but is a bit harder to digest than white fish.
Therefore, it should be given with caution the first few times, and in limited quantities, to observe the dog's reaction after consumption.
The most common types are:
Blue fish, unlike white fish, has a fat content of about 5-10% of the total.
Salmon is often mistakenly classified as blue fish, although it is not. It's frequently used to produce fish oil for supplements, but be careful!
The majority of salmon come from intensive farming, and the quality of the meat is drastically reduced.
Moreover, along with swordfish, tuna, and skipjack, it's one of the varieties with the highest mercury contamination."
How to feed fish to dogs?
If you've chosen a traditional homemade diet and want to know how to cook fish for your dog, the best way to feed fish to dogs is to steam it, cook it in a pan with just water, or bake it in the oven.
Naturally, it should be cooked without seasonings, salt, herbs, or spices, and all bones must be removed as they can be very dangerous.
Cooking eliminates the risk of bacterial and parasitic contamination, making fish a safe food for our pets.
Raw Fish in the BARF Diet
The BARF diet allows for the feeding of raw fish to dogs, but there are risks: there are very dangerous parasites that can be present on the skin of some fish, for example, wild salmon (not farmed salmon, which is discouraged due to the high concentration of mercury in the flesh).
And there are others that live in the organs, which are even more difficult to eliminate.
The only way to solve this problem is to freeze the raw fish for at least a week, thus eliminating all present parasites.
Better to remove, in addition to the bones, also the head, which is anyway rich in bones. And obviously, any spiny part that could harm the dog's stomach and intestines.
How to choose fish for dogs?
Ideally, you should buy fresh and not farmed fish, but obviously, this becomes difficult and often very expensive, or we don't have the time to cook it.
Frozen fish is an excellent solution, as it doesn't have parasites, and is often already cleaned and ready to use.
So try to buy the best quality, but also choose based on your economic possibilities and time.
When to give fish to dogs?
Since fish is an excellent protein source and can replace meat, it should be administered in the same percentage as other animal proteins in the meal, that is, a minimum of 50% of the total.
It can be administered a couple of times a week, or you can give a few pieces as a snack.
What to do if a dog swallows a fish bone?
Fish bones can be very dangerous for dogs: while they are edible, it must not be forgotten that if swallowed, they can cause choking, intestinal obstruction, and damage to the walls of the stomach and intestines.
It's not always easy to tell if a dog has ingested a bone, but pay attention to these signs:
Trying to clear the throat
Gagging or retching
Noisy panting
If you notice that your dog has a bone stuck in its throat, take it immediately to the vet: removing bones, or objects in the throat, can be difficult, and very risky if you don't know how to do it.
In a desperate emergency, you could try to remove it by holding the dog still, keeping its mouth open, and trying to remove the bone with tweezers.
Unfortunately, the dog will almost certainly be panicking, and it will be very difficult to perform this operation, so be very careful not to hurt it.
If, however, the bone has been swallowed, keep an eye on the dog and make sure it defecates normally, and that the feces do not contain blood.
If it behaves strangely, or shows signs of pain or restlessness, take it to the vet.
Can dogs eat fish sticks?
It's better not to give fish sticks to dogs, as they are generally made of cod, but are fried, breaded, and often salted or enriched with spices and flavors.
They are not toxic, but they are really high in calories and not recommended in a dog's diet.
Fish Oil for Dogs: Is it recommended?
Omega 3 fish oil for dogs is one of the best-selling supplements. Many dogs don't like fish, and many exclusively eat kibble, which doesn't contain enough of it.
Fish oil, whether liquid or in capsules, is an excellent solution to supplement fatty acids in a dog's diet.
However, there are animals that don't digest it well, particularly salmon oil. Therefore, start by administering a small dose along with food to see how they react.
Some dogs tolerate it better in the evening, others in the morning. So, make some attempts to find out the best way to administer it without discomfort to your four-legged friend.
Can I give shellfish to my dog?
The flesh of shellfish is not toxic to dogs, but should be given in small amounts as it contains a lot of sodium and cholesterol.
And obviously, in response to the frequent question of whether dogs can eat shellfish shells, the answer is no.
Or rather, they are not toxic and are edible, but any sharp parts could injure the dog's stomach or intestines, or cause choking or intestinal obstruction.
You can learn more by reading our article: 'Can I give shrimp to my dog?'
Come and discover with us lots of useful information about dog breeds, their diseases, and how to feed them in the best way. Our guides will be useful for keeping your dog always happy and in perfect health.
The information on our site is of a general nature and does not in any way replace the advice of a veterinarian. To ensure a healthy and balanced diet for your pets, we recommend relying on the advice of a nutrition expert, who will be able to assess the health and needs of the subject to create a balanced diet for each individual case.