Onions, like all vegetables containing allyl sulfide, are not recommended for dogs.
This substance is toxic to our animal friends, so we always avoid letting them consume any vegetable containing it.
However, onions are widely used in cooking, both fresh and powdered along with other spices, making them hard to avoid.
Since we often have the bad habit of letting dogs taste our food, how should we behave when it contains onions?
Can dogs eat onions, or is it better to avoid them? And if it's dangerous, how severe is onion poisoning in dogs?
Can dogs eat onions?
Onions contain a toxic compound called allyl sulfide, an organic substance responsible for the pungent odor typical of garlic and onions.
In humans, when this toxin is ingested through the consumption of foods containing it, the allyl sulfides are eliminated from the body through perspiration, breath, and diuresis.
In simple terms, that particular odor we smell when someone has eaten a lot of garlic or onions is simply the system the body uses to detoxify itself.
However, in dogs, the situation is a bit different: when the toxic substance enters the body and reaches the intestine, it begins to bind to red blood cells.
Specifically, it binds to hemoglobin, a protein indispensable for the transport of oxygen in the blood.
Since a dog's body cannot separate the toxin from the hemoglobin, the red blood cells are damaged, causing a dangerous pathology called hemolytic anemia.
What is hemolytic anemia in dogs?
Anemia in dogs is a condition that causes a reduction in the red blood cell count, hemoglobin (or both) in the bloodstream.
The most common symptoms of hemolytic anemia are:
Pale gums, eyes, ears, skin, and mucous membranes
Loss of body heat
Lack of appetite
Rapid breathing
Dark urine and feces
Excessive consumption of soil
If the veterinarian intervenes immediately, once the damaged red blood cells are eliminated with a transfusion, the dog's body will start to produce new ones, returning to normal.
In cases diagnosed too late, the prognosis could be unfavorable, and coma and then death could occur.
When does an onion harm a dog?
In the case of onions, the real danger after ingestion is the amount consumed.
If the dog steals a bite of tomato pasta, and the sauce contains onion, it will most likely not harm him.
However, if he consumes it excessively and often, onions can be harmful to the dog and the risk of toxicity could arise.
Obviously, onions should never be intentionally given, but if the dog accidentally ingests a small amount, it is important to observe him closely to ensure he does not show symptoms of poisoning.
How much onion is harmful to dogs?
The toxic dose of onion for a dog is about 0.5% of its body weight. For example, a 3 kg dog would need to eat 15 grams, a 50 kg dog as much as 250 grams.
While it's unlikely for a large dog to reach the indicated level of toxicity, for a very small dog things change, and therefore a bit of attention is needed.
Can puppies eat onions?
No, they absolutely cannot consume them, not even in minimal amounts, before six months of age. Young dogs do not produce red blood cells, so it would be a real risk for them.
Can dogs eat cooked onions?
No, dogs cannot eat onions, neither cooked nor raw. Avoid the food altogether, in any form.
Can a dog eat powdered onion?
Powdered onion, just like powdered garlic, is even more dangerous for dogs, as it is more toxic than fresh onions.
Therefore, be very careful with foods that contain it, such as crackers and pre-made omelettes.
If the dog has eaten too much onion?
As mentioned, onion poisoning in dogs occurs after consuming a significant amount, but the risk exists, and some animals may be intolerant.
If the dog shows symptoms like those described earlier, it should be taken to the veterinarian with utmost urgency.
The veterinarian will decide whether to induce vomiting in the dog, administer activated charcoal to prevent the absorption of the toxic substance, or in the worst case, proceed with blood tests and transfusion.
What are the vegetables that contain allyl sulfide?
In addition to garlic and onions, the following are also harmful to dogs:
It’s therefore important to avoid feeding all these foods to dogs.
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Still unclear about the ideal diet for your dog? Find all the information you need at Khani.co.uk