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The Lagotto Romagnolo: A Unique Italian Breed in the World

Written by Silvia Capelli

October 24, 2023

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a medium-small Italian breed dog, known for a very special talent: it is indeed the only breed in the world specialized in truffle hunting.

It has a truly special sense of smell, a marked aptitude as a working dog, and a great talent for retrieving.

But that's not all, as its appearance and character make it the ideal dog even for those who don't go truffle hunting: the Lagotto Romagnolo is an excellent companion dog in all aspects.

It is docile and balanced, calm and discreet, very affectionate with everyone, and very versatile.

Continue reading to discover all the talents of the Lagotto Romagnolo, how to recognize a purebred specimen, and how to train it effectively.

History of the Lagotto Romagnolo

This breed has very ancient origins: the first depictions of an ancestor of the Lagotto Romagnolo are found among the Etruscan relics of the Etruscan necropolis of Spina, near Ferrara.

The Lagotto was used since ancient times as a water retriever for small game.

It is believed to have originated in the marshy areas of the Po Delta, between Ravenna and the valleys of Comacchio (Northern Italy).

When the reclamation of the marshes of Romagna began in the 1800s, the Lagotto began to be used as a truffle dog: its curly, thick, and waterproof coat protected it from both thorns and the cold, and it had an excellent sense of smell.

Initially, truffles were especially present in the plains, but later truffle hunting moved to the hilly areas.

Unfortunately, the breeders of the time, mainly truffle hunters, did not care much about preserving the characteristics of this beautiful Italian dog and began to breed it indiscriminately just to obtain good truffle dogs.

This incorrect selection greatly impoverished the breed's genetics and significantly reduced the number of specimens.

It was only in the 1970s that a group of breeders from Romagna took the fate of the Lagotto Romagnolo to heart and began its recovery and more ethical breeding, saving the breed from probable extinction.

In 1988, the first Italian Lagotto Club was founded, and the breed standards were set in 1992.

Since then, the breed has spread all over the world and has established itself both as a companion dog and as a truffle dog.

It is mistakenly believed that the Portuguese Water Dog and the Spanish Water Dog are breeds preceding the Lagotto Romagnolo, but the opposite is true: the Italian breed is older and has spread throughout Southern Europe over the centuries, particularly during the Moorish conquest wars.

Character of the Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo has a balanced temperament, is very intelligent, and is an excellent working dog.

It is very affectionate but at the same time a bit shy and reserved, and does not like to be scolded.

It becomes attached to all family members but forms a special bond with its owner, who becomes its entire world. It also relates well to children and other animals.

It adapts well to apartment living, but needs a lot of movement, and when possible, also enjoys spending time in water.

It is easily trained, is an excellent swimmer, and is very resilient, which is why it is still used as a hunting dog and not just as a companion animal.

The Lagotto does not bark much and is not at all aggressive, but loves to dig, so it's better to reserve a part of the garden for it or take it often to the countryside.

Moreover, it can be a bit stubborn, so it's better to make it clear who is in charge in the family!

Curiosities about the Lagotto Romagnolo

There are two possibilities regarding the origins of the name: the name “Càn Lagòt” in the Romagnol language means water dog, but it could also derive from Lagosanto, a small town in the valleys of Comacchio, whose inhabitants are called Lagotti.

A beautiful depiction of the Lagotto Romagnolo is found in the painting "Portrait of Guercino and his sister Lucia Barbieri with a Lagotto dog".

But many other great artists have reproduced it in the past, for example, Mantegna.

Morphology of the Lagotto Romagnolo

After years of indiscriminate breeding, the Lagotto Romagnolo has now been classified with precise breed standards, which we will outline here.

ENCI F.C.I Standards

Note: These are the standards set by FCI and ENCI and are therefore valid for Europe. Size, color, or coat standards admitted by AKC or other federations, such as the Canadian one, may differ. For more information, check the standards of the country of interest.

The photos on this site may represent either FCI standards or those of AKC or other federations.

If you want to read the ENCI breed profile for the Lagotto Romagnolo, click here!


The Lagotto is a medium-small sized dog. There is only one variant:

  • Height at the withers for male Lagotto from 43 to 48 cm (ideal height: 46 cm), weight 13-16 kg

  • Height at the withers for female Lagotto from 41 to 46 cm (ideal height: 43 cm), weight 11 to 14 kg.

The variants known as miniature Lagotto and giant Lagotto do not exist; they are just similar dogs or Lagottos outside the standard size.

Type of Fur and Coat

The Lagotto Romagnolo has curly and woolly fur, forming tight ringlets with a noticeable undercoat.

The curls should be evenly distributed over the entire body and tail except on the head, where they are less tight and form eyebrows, whiskers, and a beard.

The coat should not be shaved to avoid altering the Lagotto's typical corded appearance.


The coat can be of various colors:

Off-white monochrome, white with brown or orange spots, brown roan, monochrome brown (in different shades) with or without white, orange, brown roan, orange with or without white.

Some specimens have a mask varying from medium brown to dark brown. Different shades of markings are allowed.


The Lagotto's head is moderately broad, with a wide skull and a stop that is not too pronounced but evident. The nose is voluminous and colored from light brown to dark brown.

The jaw closes in a scissor bite and the eyes are large and well-spaced, colored from ocher to dark brown. The expression is alert and lively.


The trunk is compact and strong, as long as the height at the withers, muscular, and with a well-developed chest.


Not too high and tapers towards the end. At rest, it is carried like a scimitar, and when working, raised on the back but never curled.

Faults of the Lagotto Romagnolo

Among the most visible and common faults are:

  • Concave nasal bridge.

  • Pronounced underbite or overbite.

  • Strabismus.

  • Tail carried on the back or short, even if amputated.

  • Non-curly, corded, or too short cut fur.

  • Corded fur.

  • Excessive grooming.

  • Black coat color, or black spots.

  • Size not conforming to standards.

Lifespan of the Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo lives for 15-17 years. Almost a record for a former hunting dog. It is indeed very long-lived, and if you take good care of it and give it the right attention, it will live a very long life!

Diseases of the Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo is an extremely resilient dog and does not tend to fall ill easily, but it can still suffer from hereditary diseases common to these types of dogs or from normal canine illnesses. Among the most frequent are:

  • Otitis, congenital deafness

  • Food and fur allergies

  • Epilepsy (which in the case of juvenile epilepsy has a good chance of developing into a remission condition, as explained in this study)

  • Cortical atrophy (neurological degeneration leading to lack of coordination)

  • Seasonal alopecia (a hormonal origin pathology causing hair loss in females)

  • Cataract

What the Lagotto Romagnolo Eats

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a very active dog and does not have a strong tendency to gain weight, but lack of physical activity and apartment living can lead to overweight issues.

Therefore, it will be necessary to pay attention to what is fed to avoid future problems such as obesity, diabetes, and cholesterol.

Feeding the Puppy

Weaning of the Lagotto puppy begins around 4 weeks of age. From the first month of life, you can start to introduce specific puppy food or finely ground meat, starting with one meal a day in combination with mother's milk.

Between the first and second month, meals based on solid food should be given about 3/4 times a day, and three from the second month of life.

Feeding the Adult Lagotto

Being a medium-small sized and always active dog, it is advisable to administer two meals a day to prevent the dog from feeling hungry for too many hours. Hunting dogs are generally fed once a day, but two meals are the most recommended choice.

Meals must be balanced and contain the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and minerals.

The simplest choice for the owner is good quality dry food, but it is important to adhere to the recommended doses for weight and age. And choose one designed for medium-small sized dogs with the right characteristics for the breed.

Regarding homemade or Barf diets, it is necessary to ensure that the dog receives the right caloric intake with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, prepare a mix of proteins, carbohydrates, and vegetables (50% – 25% -25%), supplementing with a good multivitamin and additionally a glucosamine and omega-3 supplement.

The ingredients of the food mix can vary, but the majority should always be made up of proteins, which are the basis of a correct diet.

It is important to remember to deworm both puppies and adult dogs periodically, especially if adopted from shelters, kennels, or private individuals.

Additional Tips for Keeping Your Lagotto Romagnolo in Shape

  1. It's important to remember to deworm both puppies and adult dogs periodically, especially those adopted from shelters, kennels, or private individuals.

  2. With its curly and thick fur, the Lagotto is easily targeted by insects and parasites. Ensure to carry out prophylaxis for heartworm, leishmaniasis, fleas, and ticks.

  3. Even if the dog goes out infrequently, its nails should be trimmed regularly to prevent injury when running. Read here to learn how to do it.

  4. The Lagotto is prone to ear canal infections and deafness. Ear cleaning is absolutely necessary to avoid unpleasant odors or conditions that can also affect the dog's health.

  5. Remember to periodically check the state of the anal glands to avoid discomfort for the dog and bad odor. For this operation, consult a veterinarian.

  6. Do not neglect the teeth: frequent dental cleaning will keep your dog healthy for longer, and save your wallet from premature expenses!

Who is the Lagotto Romagnolo Suitable For?

Almost everyone, as it is a breed with a balanced temperament and very sweet nature. It loves its owner but becomes attached to the whole family and is also very fond of children.

And for truffle hunting enthusiasts, for whom it will be a precious companion.

Who is the Lagotto Romagnolo Not Suitable For?

For a very nervous owner, because it is a somewhat reserved and shy dog and could get scared if it feels attacked.

For inactive people, as it needs a lot of movement. And for people who travel a lot by public transport, because it is a medium size and not easy to transport.

For those who do not have the time or budget to take care of the coat, which needs frequent grooming.

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