Routine deworming isn't just for puppies: dogs of any age may need to be dewormed.
A dog with worms doesn't always show the symptoms we're used to, so it can be wise to deworm them regularly as a preventive measure.
In this article, we'll try to clear up all your doubts about deworming adult dogs and puppies, answering every question and suggesting both natural remedies and pharmaceutical products, to help you free your friend from annoying intestinal parasites.
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What do dog worms look like?
There are various types of intestinal worms in dogs. Some are visible in the feces, while others remain in the dog's esophagus or intestines.
These are the most common:
- Roundworms (Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina): These worms are among the most common in puppies. Roundworms are long and thin, usually white or pink in color. They can be visible in the dog's feces or vomit.
- Tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp.): Tapeworms are flat and segmented. They appear as small segments similar to grains of rice or tape in the dog's anal area or in the feces. Tapeworms are often transmitted through fleas or hunting small rodents.
- Hookworms (Ancylostoma spp.): These worms are very small and thin and attach to the dog's intestinal wall. They can cause anemia and bloody diarrhea.
- Whipworms (Trichuris vulpis): These worms have a long and thin shape. They can live in the dog's large intestine and cause diarrhea and weight loss.
- Uncinaria spp.: These worms are similar to hookworms and can cause similar symptoms, including diarrhea and anemia.
- Spirocerca lupi: These worms cause spirocercosis and can infect the dog's esophagus. They can cause serious digestive and respiratory problems.
How to know if a dog needs to be dewormed?
In the case of a puppy, deworming should be a mandatory procedure, as worms can be transmitted to the young or they can become infected as they grow.
Regarding the deworming of an adult dog, we have two possible scenarios: if the dog has just been adopted, it might be wise to deworm it, as well as if it frequents environments where it comes into contact with other animals or is exposed to their feces.
The second is the presence of worms in the dog's feces or vomit, or the presence of symptoms that may suggest a possible infestation.
And in both the case of the puppy and the adult dog, the most common symptoms when the dog is affected by intestinal parasites can be:
How to Deworm a Puppy
As mentioned, in this case, it's a routine procedure, so here's what you need to know about deworming puppies:
When should the first deworming of a puppy be done?
Puppies should be dewormed regularly, starting from around 2-3 weeks of age.
In addition to the presence of worms in the puppy's feces, you might also notice that it has bad breath. This is a fairly common symptom in puppies with worms, who often also have vomiting.
How often should a puppy be dewormed?
Deworming of a puppy should be repeated after the first administration as per the veterinarian's instructions and should continue at regular intervals every two weeks until the puppies are about 4 months old. From 4 to 6 months, a monthly administration will suffice.
How to deworm a puppy?
Since puppies' bodies are still delicate, you should consult with a veterinarian for deworming.
Puppies will also be given an antiparasitic for worms, but it must be dosed differently than for an adult dog.
For convenience, a liquid wormer with an applicator, such as Drontal Puppy, is often preferred for puppies.
How much does it cost to deworm a puppy?
Products for dog worms are not very expensive, and the total cost of therapy for a puppy may vary based on the frequency of administration and the weight of the puppy.
But it's an acceptable cost, and veterinary products are generally very effective.
How to Deworm an Adult Dog
Even though in the case of an adult dog, deworming is not usually done unless worms are present in the feces, it can be a good idea to administer a wormer as a preventative measure.
Since intestinal parasites are not always visible in feces, it might not be obvious that the dog needs it.
How often should I deworm an adult dog?
If you do it as a preventive measure, a couple of times a year is enough, and obviously as needed in case of infestation.
How to administer the wormer to an adult dog?
The wormer can be of different types, to facilitate administration even in more difficult dogs.
The most common are:
Wormer for dogs in tablets, like the popular Drontal
Wormer for dogs in drops, like this one from Animigo
When to Give Dewormer to a Dog?
The dewormer packaging should indicate whether the administration should be done on an empty or full stomach.
If this is not specified, feed your dog something so it's not completely on an empty stomach and administer the product for intestinal parasites, then proceed with the normal meal an hour later. After deworming, the dog can eat normally.
How Soon Does Deworming Take Effect in Dogs?
Generally, it takes about 24 hours for the dewormer to start working, but in the case of some products that require it, or in case of severe infestation, you may need to repeat the administration for a second dose.
Make sure to read the instructions on the package carefully and adhere to them.
What if There Are Worms in the Dog's Feces After Deworming?
Immediately after deworming, the dog will continue to expel worms in the feces for a few days. This condition can last for about a week or more.
However, if after two weeks or more there are still worms in the dog's feces, it could be a case of reinfestation, so it's better to talk to the veterinarian and carry out another cycle with the dewormer.
What to Do if the Dog Vomits Worms?
When a dog is infested with worms, the animal might often vomit, expelling the parasites through the vomit.
If possible, collect a sample and take it to the veterinarian, so they can examine the intestinal parasite and assess the best therapy for your friend.
How Much Does It Cost to Deworm an Adult Dog?
Generally, if it's for prevention or a normal deworming, you'll get by with 20-30 Euros per cycle.
Can I Get Worms from My Dog?
Yes, some types of worms that infest dogs can be transmitted to humans, but the risk of transmission is relatively low and can be reduced with good hygiene practices.
What Are Natural Remedies for Dog Worms?
Among those considered natural remedies for intestinal parasites are garlic and coconut oil, but if your dog has worms, it wouldn't be wise to try to treat it with DIY remedies that, although effective, would not have an immediate or guaranteed result.
Moreover, while it's true that garlic can be given to dogs with worms in small quantities, excessive consumption might not be healthy for the animal, so it's better to use a veterinary wormer for dogs.
Do Intestinal Worms Make the Dog Gain Weight?
Although it's more common to see a thin dog with worms, in some circumstances, infestation by intestinal worms can lead to weight gain in the dog.
This phenomenon is known as "worm fattening" and is more common in puppies or young dogs.
Intestinal worms, such as roundworms and tapeworms, can compete with the dog for nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract.
This means that the dog may consume more food to try to compensate for the loss of nutrients due to the worms.
As a result, the dog might appear hungry and eat more, which can lead to weight gain.
Alternatively, the worm infestation might cause abdominal swelling, giving the impression that the dog is gaining weight.
What Are the Best Medications for Deworming Dogs?
For routine procedures, there are various dog deworming products that you can buy even without a prescription, but you should still consult with a veterinarian before administering them to your friend.
If you decide to buy an over-the-counter dog dewormer, make sure it's suitable for your dog's size and weight.
In addition to Drontal, there are others that are recommended for veterinary use, for example, Panacur, Neoveto, Vetocanis, which are among the most popular.
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